
Help make this map better by correcting a few problems directly in OpenStreetMap. Your changes will automatically be included in next week's map.
No U Turn
Turn restriction (no_u_turn) 962983691 doesn't start or end at 45.540503,-73.640005
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 79272364 doesn't start or end at 'via' node or way
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 165551325 doesn't start or end at 'via' node or way
No Right Turn
Turn restriction (no_right_turn) 476637001 doesn't start or end at 'via' node or way
No U Turn
Turn restriction (no_u_turn) 10731740 (at lacks 'via' node (guessing it should be at, why don't you add it to the OSM data?)
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 774861652) ways don't connect at an end point
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 6974029 lacks 'to' way
No Right Turn
Turn restriction (no_right_turn) 774861652) ways don't connect at an end point