Eastern Europe

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine (including Crimea)
Help make this map better by correcting a few problems directly in OpenStreetMap. Your changes will automatically be included in next week's map.
No Right Turn
Turn restriction (no_right_turn) 17249044 lacks 'from' way
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 8254066 (at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=43.300621&mlon=13.710178&zoom=17) lacks 'from' way
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 8630925 (at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=43.509368&mlon=13.427418&zoom=17) lacks 'from' way
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 10359121 lacks 'to' way
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 10359121 lacks 'from' way
Only Left Turn
Turn restriction (only_left_turn) 10359123 lacks 'to' way
Only Left Turn
Turn restriction (only_left_turn) 10359123 lacks 'from' way
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 2249108 lacks 'to' way