Southern Europe

Cyprus, Greece, Holy See, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain
Help make this map better by correcting a few problems directly in OpenStreetMap. Your changes will automatically be included in next week's map.
No U Turn
Turn restriction (no_u_turn) 7749177 lacks 'to' way
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 13771242 (at lacks 'via' node (guessing it should be at, why don't you add it to the OSM data?)
No U Turn
Turn restriction (no_u_turn) 8328284 lacks 'to' way
No U Turn
Turn restriction (no_u_turn) 8328269 lacks 'to' way
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 13622891 (at lacks 'from' way
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 13622874 (at lacks 'from' way