
Help make this map better by correcting a few problems directly in OpenStreetMap. Your changes will automatically be included in next week's map.
No Right Turn
Turn restriction (no_right_turn) 207838057) ways don't connect at an end point
No Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (no_straight_on) 436287058 doesn't start or end at 'via' node or way
No Left Turn
Turn restriction (no_left_turn) 8157310 (at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=25.069309&mlon=121.362047&zoom=17) lacks 'via' node (guessing it should be at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=25.070713&mlon=121.362923&zoom=17, why don't you add it to the OSM data?)
Only Left Turn
Turn restriction (only_left_turn) 17459022 (at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=22.658034&mlon=120.512943&zoom=17) check: 'via' way(s) are used in only_left_turn restriction
No U Turn
Turn restriction (no_u_turn) 5567743 (at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=25.057646&mlon=121.547340&zoom=17) has more than 6 via nodes, this is not supported
Only Straight Ahead
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) 17461462 (at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=25.060205&mlon=121.441445&zoom=17) check: 'via' way(s) are used in only_straight_on restriction
No U Turn
Turn restriction (no_u_turn) 1255478792 doesn't start or end at 'via' node or way
No Right Turn
Turn restriction (no_right_turn) 6609854 (at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=25.022360&mlon=121.434965&zoom=17) lacks 'via' node (guessing it should be at https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=25.021252&mlon=121.427488&zoom=17, why don't you add it to the OSM data?)